EVO MFG JLU 3.6L Protek Engine Trans Skid
From the factory the Jeep Wrangler JLU comes with decent skid plates formost of the undercarriage components but the most important andexpensive components, engine and transmission, are left completelyunprotected and therefore vulnerable to trail damage. The EVO MFG JLU3.6L Protek Engine/Trans Skid Plate system protects these vitalcomponents with a 3/16" Steel Skid, Laser cut and CNC Formed to giveideal clearance and strength. Protecting the unprotected. EVO-3039B iscompatible with all EVO MFG JLU Suspension Systems. Easy to install withnormal hand tools. No drilling, cutting or welding required. Allrequired installation hardware included.
2dr. models will require trimming to skid plate